libinsitu is an open source python library (BSD licence) to transform heterogeneous time series of in-situ measurements into well-formed binary NetCDF files, compliant with CF convention, ready for sharing.

The aim is to push for FAIR principles and the usage of interoperable and self-describing data, easing the scientific community to leverage open-data.

While developed primarily for solar measurements, this tool is generic enough to be used in other domains.

libinsitu also provides specific tools for solar measurements, like the computing and embedding quality control flags and generating graphs to check visually the control of data.

This library is developped by the OIE center of Mines Paris PSL.

ℹī¸ Setup

libinsitu is distributed as a python package and can be installed with pip

pip install libinsitu

📕 Documentation

libinsitu comes with full documentation of the python API and command line interface (CLI)

View documentation

📚 Sample notebook

We provide a sample notebook, demonstrating how to encode Excel/CSV data to NetCDF and read it back.

You can test it online with binder: Binder

Launch the Notebook

Source code

libinsitu is open source, hosted on our Gitlab

Access source code

☀ī¸ Solar data on Thredds server

The files generated by libinsitu are ready to be shared on a data server, like THREDDS data server.

We host our own TDS and on which we share up-to-date in-situ solar data for ten networks and hundreds of stations.

Access data on TDS

đŸ—ē Web viewer

We built a web viewer to display in well-formed NetCDF files of in-situ solar data hosted on our Thredds server.

In-situ convention

We propose a standard, based on the CF conventions and Attribute Convention for Data Discovery, dedicated to time series of individual stations, to further enhance interoperability.

Read the convention

Quality control for solar data

libinsitu embeds dedicated tools to compute and embed QC flags in output files and generate graphs for visual control of data.

Learn more on QC

Mailing list

Please subscribe to the mailing list for support, comments and news :

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Acamedic paper

We published an academic paper describing the principles and methodology behind libinsitu.